Our Services

Office Service
With Comfort and Attention
For your safety, we minimize the transmission of infection by limiting the number of appointments and taking each family directly to a previously sanitized exam room. In addition, all care is provided with clean hands and the use of masks. And all of this is done in a private and comfortable environment.

Easy and Simple
In cases where it is not necessary for your child to be seen in person, we offer medical care thru zoom, a computer and cell phone teleconferencing app that provides a secure and private connection.

House-Call Service
for you Convenience and Safety
For patients where face-to-face care is important, but the family still prefers to avoid risk as much as possible, we offer full pediatric service at the comfort of your home.

Medical Excellence...
... is the foundation on which we stand
Our Mission

Night and Day Pediatrics brings you back the age-long tradition of home medical care. Our personalized pediatric service provides integrated and comprehensive medical care not only at our concierge office locations, but also at the safety and comfort of your own home. The choice is yours.
As always, whenever you have concerns our pediatricians are just a phone call away.

Our Medical Staff
We have made quality medical care our number one goal, provided by our highly trained staff and renowned physicians.

20+ Years
of Experience

Multilingual Staff
and Physicians

Board Certified

Wladimir P.
M.D., F.A.A.P.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner,

Ana Paula
de Faria
Pediatric Medicine,
A.P.R.N. - B.C.

With A Personal Touch...

...In everything we do
Receive individualized service from our caring and friendly staff catered to your child’s unique medical needs.
Specialist Appointment
Scheduling Support
Patient Case

Pediatric home health care or health care at our office: the choice is always yours. You can always reach us any time of the day or night, including weekend or holidays. We serve in Miami (Aventura) and Orlando

And whenever you need us...

... we are always there for you
Pediatric home health care or health care at our office: the choice is always yours. You can always reach us any time of the day or night, including weekend or holidays.
Call Service

Telemedicine Service
Phone Availability
by Actual Phisician

Our Reviews
The experience of our team and the great love for their work helped hundreds of families! Every customer is our friend who can always rely on us.